125 Brain Games for Babies: Simple Games to Promote Early Brain Development
125 Brain Games for Babies: Simple Games to Promote Early Brain Development

Simple, enjoyable games build a solid foundation for successful future learning! Did You Know the Brain of an Infant... is 250% more active than that of an adult? has formed 1000 trillion connections by the end of the third year (twice as many as adults have)? produces synapses (connections) faster in the first year than at any other time of life? 125 Brain Games for Babies is a funfilled collection of ways to develop the brain capacity of babies the building blocks of future learning. Included are everyday opportunities to nurture brain development in the critical period from birth through 12 months. Each game has information on the latest brain research, and a discussion of how the activity promotes brain power.

List Price: $ 18.99
Price: $ 18.98
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