An Observant Eye: The Thoreau Collection at the Concord Museum
An Observant Eye: The Thoreau Collection at the Concord Museum

Explore for the first time in a fully-illustrated book the role that objects, including those in the Concord Museum's extraordinary collection, played in the life of Henry D.Thoreau. "An Observant Eye" opens with a ground-breaking essay by Concord Museum curator David Wood, "A Common Sense Applied to the Objects: Thoreau and Material Culture," followed by seven chapters examining some 150 objects from the Museum's collection, each pictured in color. The book also includes a checklist of an additional 100 objects in the Thoreau collection, extensive footnotes, a bibliography and an index. Designed by Gilbert Design Associates, with color illustrations by David Bohl, a well-known museum photographer, the book is a treat for the eye as well as the mind.

List Price: $ 39.95
Price: $ 39.95
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