How are single women supposed to survive in a world of manipulation and random hookups?

by .krish.Tipirneni.
Question by Abby Green: How are single women supposed to survive in a world of manipulation and random hookups?
I am in my 30s now. I have had a terrible experience with dating. I feel that men with always manipulate and lie to get you into bed.. then poof, automatic jerk comes out (like a hammer to the head -- you don't always see the jerk underneath). I don't know how not to become that single bitter woman. I am heading that way and I hate it. How are women today supposed to survive the dating world when 95% of men are wolves in sheep's clothing?
Best answer:
Answer by Bella
By pow, pow, bang banging them upside the head! Okay, sorry- that was just a weird icebreaker!! =)
How? Pay attention to the 'little things' they say. That will clue you into what their 'intentions' are.
It's the little things that people say or do that they are unconsciously aware of that speaks volumes of how they think/act/feel towards you, subconsciously.
Do they ask personal questions about you? Do they seem to care when something bad happens to you? Do they sympathize/empathize? Do they take the time to listen, check back, and show you 'consistently' that they are reliable?
#1 thing would be if they are genuine, 2ndly, if they are honest. Most of all, it's important to be honest with them too.. if they b.s. or contradict themselves.. that's when it's time to pull back and sniff out those who really want to be in your life vs. those who are just hoping to get lucky.. listen to your intuition. Watch with your eyes. Listen with your ears. Slowly, your gut will know..
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